Saturday, September 19, 2009

How to remain Christian? (Psalm 1:1)

In a hospital that is founded on Christian values but set upon a very materialistic world, temptations of evils come from every side. Even within the hospital, it is not unusual to see bits of the devil's work. You hear it from conversations about who wants to do wrong to who, thoughts of anger, vengeance, lust, and malice. You even see it done in public. The rampant and widespread claw of evil does not spare anyone. Temptations creep even to the noblest and holiest of humans.

One thing that I have realized in my stay here in the hospital is that it is easy to be a Christian but hard to remain one. Of course, at first instance, no amount of human strength will ever be enough for us to resist evil if not with the power of God. It is only by God's grace and strength that we are able to remain in God's presence.

The Psalmist in 1:1 reminds us that because we are planted and rooted deeply in the stream of water that nourishes us, we are able to withstand any withering. We bare good fruits because we are sustained by the water of life. And however strong is the wind, whatever drought may come, our strong foundation will sustain us.

Our life in the hospital cannot be said to be perfect. We will always eet temptations. In a place where everybody is stressed, fatigued, and tired; it is easy to get angry, mad, envious and commit evil. But as long as we remain close to the stream of God's living water, the peace of God will always be with us.

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