Today is Holy Innocents' Day.
The celebration of the Christmas season have focused on the joy it brings to the world. But the joy is misdirected to the emotions of laughter and fun. If such is joy, then the grieving this season is misplaced. Yet, during this season of joy some of us grieve the loss of their loved ones. Such is the case of my friend who lost his wife on the eve of Christmas. And I see many more grieve as I make my rounds in the hospital. But grieving is nothing new on Christmas. Matthew reminds us of what the prophet Jeremiah said, "A voice is heard in Ramah,weeping and great mourning,Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted,because they are no more.” Yes! There was weeping and grieving even in the first Christmas. But, yes, there is still joy. Because the Immanuel allowed for humans to be reconciled with their God so that the innocent children and the many more people who died will have Eternal Life. And so cry... we grieve... but because of the baby born on Christmas we are still joyful!
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