Friday, August 9, 2013

Broken toys

How do we perceive holistic being among differently-abled persons? How useful are they really for us? My kid reminds me how with the toys he plays with. As we were fixing our stuff to move into the new apartment, I told Ken that we should throw away his Batman toy because it's missing a hand and a feet. "You won't have any use of this toy because it no longer has two hands and two legs." He replied quite assertively, " but you said even people who do not have hands and feet can still be useful. This toy can still be useful!"

Sometimes, our prejudices translates into the small things that we say and think. This as we tend to separate our life perspectives into what is "reality" and what is "ideal." But little children understand things in a more holistic way. Everything is the same for all things - toys or not. How you perceive a toy is how you perceive all things.

It is a good reminder for us to have integrity in what we say. If we say that people with only one hand or one leg or one eye are differently-abled persons, it must be so too for toys!

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